AAlarm is an alarm system builded with Arduino.
It’s capable of detecting various events, depending on connected sensors.
In its current version, it’s also using a RaspberryPi to run controlling software.
This version features a Debian package for easier install. But it’s still unperfect, as some feedbacks in comments show it :(.
Multiple event detection (Door sensor, Motion sensor, Gas sensor…)
Web monitoring interface
Email alerts
Events history
Motion detection camera (optionnal)
Intrusion event linked to recorded motion detections
Presence simulator (playing mp3’s) (Optionnal)
Keypad to activate / deactivate alarm (Optionnal)
Self-powered siren (Optionnal)
Axis 207W is switching from B&W to colour accordingly to brighness
rPi board is replaceable by a standard computer. Any computer that could run Debian should fit. I’ve created a custom shield to connect sensors, keypad and siren : It’s not mandatory. Sensors can be directly connected to Arduino I/O pins. |
Here’s a list of required hardware :
Arduino Board : I’m using a Arduino Uno version, other versions should work.
RaspberryPi : I’m using model Raspberry model B with Ethernet connector. Model B+ should perfectly fit. Don’t forget suitable power adapter and a SD Card. RaspberryPi Model B+ page
A camera (Optionnal) : USB or Network. Must be compatible with Motion.
Keypad control I2C board (Optionnal) : See Schematics.
Siren control board (Optionnal) : See Schematics
An amplified speaker (Optionnal)
Depending on what you need to monitor, you’ll need some sensors.
I’m currently using a magnetic door sensor like this one on Amazon. Note that it acts like a switch. I’m used to monitor my door this way.
You could find the whole project at Github aAlarm Repository.
This software is composed of :
Arduino software (ino folder) : Controls and monitor Arduino I/Os.
alarmSerialController (pl folder) : Written in Perl. Controls Arduino through USB as a serial device.
Django Web Ui (webDj folder) : Allows to remotly monitor aAlarm.
Shell Scripts (sh folder) : Start and stop aAlarm programs.
Use Arduino IDE to upload the program into your Arduino Board.
You’ll need to install Raspbian.
The easiest alternative is to use Noobs.
For this step, you’ll need to connect a monitor and a keyboard to the RaspberryPi board. You wont need it later.
After installation, login through SSH.
(In most cases you’ll need to install ssd with the following command : apt-get install ssh
or use raspi-config
I’ve created a Debian package for an easier installation.
Logon to your RaspberryPi, then, download and install package.
I’m sorry, I currently do not have an apt-source. To satisfies dependancies, you’ll need a little trick.
Pay attention when you’ll be prompted with mysql root password.
wget https://github.com/kemkem/blogFiles/raw/master/aalarm_1.0.0.deb
#ensure apt index is up-to-date
sudo apt-get update
#must end with some dependancies errors
sudo dpkg -i aalarm_package.deb
#install dependancies...
sudo apt-get -f install
#install package
sudo dpkg -i aalarm_package.deb
If you’re planning to use email alerts, install your favorite mailer.
I’m using ssmtp
with allows you to send emails using gmail. It’s really convenient and easy to use.
After installing the package, check this page to configure it.
apt-get install ssmtp
If you’re planning to use the presence simulator, install your favorite mp3 player.
I’m using mpg123
You’ll need to edit "/usr/share/sh/*Playlist.sh" in case of other player installed.
apt-get install mpg123
This part must be tricky, and depends on which camera model you’re using.
I suggest to check the Motion Guide and test everything is working smoothly.
Edit motion config sudo vi /etc/motion/motion.conf
#deamon : let motion run in deamon mode
daemon on
#videodevice : choose video device (if you're using an USB cam, this must be the place !)
videodevice /dev/video0
#netcam_url indicates where motion gets images from a network camera
netcam_url //http://CAM_IP/jpg/image.jpg
#netcam_userpass if required. it must be for security reasons !
netcam_userpass CAMUSER:CAMPASSWD
#target_dir : indicates where to store motion images (in Django static dir)
target_dir /usr/share/aalarm/webDj/static/motion
#Miniserver (use for live view through java applet)
webcam_port 8081
#sql_query : modified according our datamodel
sql_query insert into aalarm_security(camera, filename, frame, file_type, time_stamp, text_event) values('%t', '%f', '%q', '%n', '%Y-%m-%d %T', '%C')
#mysql auth
mysql_db DBNAME
mysql_user DBLOGIN
mysql_password DBPASSWD
We need to create a database and grant a specific user some permissions to access it.
Mind the database DBNAME / DBLOGIN / DBPASSWD, we’ll need them later.
Use mysql client mysql -u root -p
create database djaalarm;
grant usage on *.* to DBLOGIN@localhost identified by 'DBPASSWD';
grant all privileges on DBNAME.* to DBLOGIN@localhost;
Some data is needed by alarmSerialController
in this database.
Use mysql client mysql -u root -p
#You'll be prompted for your DBPASSWD
mysql -u DBLOGIN -p --database=DBNAME < /usr/share/aalarm/sql/create_tables.sql
mysql -u DBLOGIN -p --database=DBNAME < /usr/share/aalarm/sql/custom_init_tables.sql
In order to access the Arduino through USB, your user must be in dialout group with sudo usermod -a -G dialout USER
Edit settings.py
and modify DBNAME / DBLOGIN / DBPASSWD according your previous setup.
sudo vi /usr/share/webDj/djangoAAlarm/settings.py.dist
Then run Django database sync tool
Pay attention when you’ll be prompted with Django admin password.
sudo /usr/share/webDj/manage.py syncdb
Edit aalarm.conf and modify DBNAME / DBLOGIN / DBPASSWD
sudo vi /etc/aalarm.conf
Then initiate parameters into Database
/usr/share/aalarm/pl/alarmSerialController.pl initdb debug
(I will soon create more convenient init.d scripts…)
Logon to your rPi and run the following command to start aAlarm :
run the following command to stop aAlarm :
Open a web browser and open this URL : http://YOUR_RPI_IP:8000/admin/auth/user/
Then create a standard user using add user
link on the top right.
You’ll be prompted with your Django login / passwd.
Then logout, and connect to aAlarm using this URL : http://YOUR_RPI_IP:8000/aalarm/